Exhibition Zone of URBANUS:

URBANUS Urban Renewal in Shenzhen

In the past dozen years, URBANUS has developed a unique path of research and practice that continues to keep pace with the rapid urban renewal of Shenzhen.

The urban planning of public space has been a central focus for URBANUS from the beginning, and has led to in-depth research into a variety of issues. On the subject of urban village renovation, for example, the office has paid close attention to the life of low-income communities. Through projects ranging from the cultural and creative industries of Shenzhen to recent ultra-high-density urban renewal strategies, URBANUS is devoted to exploring the significant role that architecture can play in supporting urban culture.

Relative Projects:

Dafen Art Museum
Tulou Collective Housing
Maillen Hotel & Apartment
Hui Hotel
Nanshan Marriage Registration Center
OCT-LOFT Renovation
Study on Shenzhen’s Urban Villages-Gangxia Village
Baishizhou 5 Villages Urban Regeneration Research
SHUM YIP Upperhills (South Zone) LOFT
